Fabio Savagnone, a journalist born in Palermo in 1968, has been involved in photography since a young age, focusing his photographic research on the relationship between reality and the individual through individual life stories or the history of places, thus creating a natural intertwining of history, memory, and photographic representation.

In the 1980s, he had the opportunity to study under photographer Mario Giacomelli in Senigallia, an experience that inspired him and helped develop his professional skills in the field of photography.

In 1986, he participated in a studio lighting techniques course organized by Sinar, Kodak, and Hasselblad, with Dean Collins as the instructor, famous American photographer.

Throughout his career, he has exhibited his works in various exhibitions and events, collaborating with internationally renowned artists and photographers.

In 1994, he held a solo exhibition titled Moments of Sicily at the Dante Gallery in Palermo, in collaboration with the magazine Gente di Fotografia. The exhibition was part of a series of shows that included photographers such as Marc Le Menè, Andrè Villers, Jean Dieuzaide, and Mario Giacomelli.

In 2000, he was invited to participate in the solo exhibition Sicily... luoghi at the Festival della Sicilia event held at the Cavalieri Hilton in Rome.

In 2001, he exhibited a collection of 150 manipulated polaroids titled Nature at the Clara Schumann Music Academy in Palermo.

In 2002, he held a solo exhibition titled Teatro Massimo, 23 anni dopo in collaboration with Lanfranco Colombo at the Image on the Road gallery in Giovenzana, Milan.

In 2006, he was invited for an interview on the television program "42.12 nel Mediterraneo d'Europa" on SAT2000, following his solo exhibition Frastuca at the Libreria del Mare in Palermo.

In 2007, his work titled La città sconosciuta was published in the quarterly magazine on photographic culture and images, Gente di Fotografia.

In 2009, he was among the selected artists to exhibit permanently at the Guttuso Museum in Bagheria. In the same year, he became the first artist to exhibit at the "Cantina Contemporanea" contemporary art exhibition at Cantina Vivera in Linguaglossa, organized by the international art magazine

In 2010, he was among the chosen artists for the "Artisti in residenza - Isola in rete 2010" project organized by Progetto Isole contemporary art lab and territorial culture.

From 2011 to 2013, he taught photography at the Kandinskij Academy of Fine Arts in Trapani.

From December 2012 to March 2013, he served as the responsible photo editor for the photography section of the magazine "Succo Acido. Crossing Languages, art, cinema, comics, music, theatre, writing" published by Edizioni De Dieux srl.

In 2014, he exhibited the itinerant show Gli uomini del sale at Palazzo Cavarretta and the Fardelliana Library in Trapani. In the same year, he participated in the collective painting and photography exhibition "MagnetikZone Art Project" at the Magazzini dell'Arte in Trapani as part of the "Giornata del Contemporaneo" (Contemporary Art Day).

In 2015, he exhibited in the collective exhibition "Kermesse: 26 fotografi siciliani" organized at the Leone Photogallery in Ragusa and at Palazzo Sant'Elia in Palermo as part of the "Settimana delle Culture 2015" (Week of Cultures 2015) in the collective exhibition "Lo sguardo e la luce" (The Gaze and the Light), curated by Professor Maria Antonietta Spadaro and accompanied by a catalog published by Edizioni d'arte Kalos.

Since 2016, he has collaborated as an art visual photographer with Pagani Automobili, a renowned automobile company led by Horacio Pagani. In addition to numerous photographs for corporate and advertising use, he created the limited-edition 2017 Pagani corporate calendar, which consists of 500 pieces exclusively for clients and numerous international museums.

Since January 2017, he has been the editor-in-chief of "La camera dello scirocco," an art, culture, and society periodical published in collaboration with the Academy of Fine Arts in Agrigento.

Since 2017, following the collaboration with Fujifilm for the creation of the Pagani Automobili calendar, he has worked as a Fuji GFX Specialist, conducting numerous workshops throughout Italy.

In 2019, he created representative images of the new Fuji XPro3 for Fujifilm Global Japan. Throughout these years, specializing in art photography, he has collaborated with renowned auction houses such as Sotheby's International Reality and Christie's, photographing numerous artworks. He has also produced various art catalogs, including Rossella Leone. A volo d'uccello published by Silvana Editoriale; Migneco Europeo published by Silvana Editoriale; Daniele Schmiedt, un artista siciliano nel Novecento published by Edizioni di Passaggio; Gli ultimi Gattopardi, tra arte, letteratura e alchimia published by Edizioni di Passaggio; Madè: Antologica. Memorie del visibile published by Fondazione Federico II Editore; Konvolut. Biblioteca infinita. published by Silvana Editoriale; Bartman published by Edizioni Broadway; Mauro Meli published by Edizioni de Dieux; Didachè. La vetrata di Michele Canzoneri published by Edizioni Padre Pio da Pietralcina.

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