Abandoned places have always fueled the desire of humans to explore and discover, perhaps because it is the very act of abandonment that carries something mysterious, ancestral, and yet selfishly perverse. In fact, when humans decide to leave a place, they delude themselves into believing that it no longer exists, convinced of their superiority over everything that surrounds them. However, the reality is different. These places possess a force of their own that leads them towards an autonomous existence, despite the lack of human interaction. They live and breathe.

An abandoned tennis club perfectly embodies this vision. That club, once animated by joyful shouts and ball exchanges, has now made way for tranquility and the embrace of nature. Every corner, once vibrant, has been claimed by the lush force of natural elements. The vibrant tones of nature have transformed everything into a marvelous forgotten sanctuary.

Amongst the intertwining roots of trees with the concrete or clay surfaces of the playing courts, a unique poetry hides, a spectacle of colors and contrasts. The intense green of wild plants has taken over every space. Through the cracks in the concrete, wildflowers emerge with unexpected beauty, coloring and transforming everything into an abstract painting.

Traces of the past timidly reveal themselves, enveloped by the strength of nature: old billboards, worn-out nets, and uncultivated fields bear witness to a time when human passion and energy came to life within those walls.

The tennis club becomes a metaphor for existence itself, where nature represents the surrounding force and the intrinsic connection to it. It is an invitation to respect and protect nature, recognizing that even in the darkest of situations, light and beauty can still emerge, bestowing magic upon a place even without human presence.

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