Palermo is enchanting and fascinating due to its millennial history and immense energy.

The photos, the result of many years of photography, aim to be a true declaration of love for the city, a way of telling its story, traditions, and vitality.

Black and white, always chosen by me as an essential visual language, aims to focus on the eyes, gazes, and gestures, as well as on the details, shapes, and architectural lines, seeking to highlight the timeless beauty of this city and its many contradictions.

Stories of daily life, nuances of light and shadow, atmospheres of mystery and suggestion through the faces of those who live and breathe the city, and its places, often lesser-known and hidden corners that try to portray an intimate and authentic city, a portrait that sincerely conveys a sense of belonging and love.

An invitation to discover and love Palermo, to explore its history and be enchanted by its timeless magic.

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