A wedding is a magical and unrepeatable moment, an important chapter in the story of two people who love each other. To capture the true essence of this unique day, it takes a keen eye, artistic sensitivity, and the ability to tell stories through images.

With years of experience in journalism and photography, I document weddings in a natural and discreet manner. No forced poses or artificial photos: my style is based on visual storytelling, where each shot tells a part of a love story.

I immerse myself in the heart of the event, moving discreetly among the guests, capturing genuine expressions and spontaneous interactions that make each wedding unique.

My main goal is to capture every single moment of joy, love, and emotion, transforming them into images that will make the emotions of that special day come alive every time they are observed.

Every wedding is different, which is why each service, personally managed by the photographer, is customized to perfectly capture the authenticity and spontaneity of the event, adapting to the needs and desires of the couple.

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